JPMAP API reference

Analyze according to the conditions of the search query.

Point API

Request URL
Parameter item name data type description value
product product code integer Search by product corresponding to the specified code. 1: Rainfall [GSMaP]
2: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [MODIS]
3: Short Wave Radiation [MODIS]
4: Aerosol Optical Thickness (Tau-a) [MODIS]
5: Day Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
6: Night Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
7: Day Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
8: Night Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
9: Short Wave Radiation [Aqua/MODIS]
10: Short Wave Radiation [Terra/MODIS]
11: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Aqua/MODIS]
12: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Terra/MODIS]
13: Soil Moisture Contents [AMSR-E/AMSR-2]
14: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [GCOM-C SGLI]
15: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [GCOM-C SGLI]
16: Day Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
17: Night Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
interval interval code integer Search by interval corresponding to the specified code.
Not all products hold data for all data intervals.
Please refer to the table on the user guide page.
1: Daily, 2: Half-Monthly, 3: Monthly, 4: 8days
lat latitude floating point (ex)35.41
lon longitude floating point (ex)139.41
start start date integer Please specify the analysis start date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
end end date integer Please specify the analysis end date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
Note: If the data from the start date to the end date exceeds 30 layers,
analyze the data from the start date to 30 layers.

Note: All parameters are required

Sample URL

Rectangle API

Request URL
Parameter item name data type description value
product product code integer Search by product corresponding to the specified code. 1: Rainfall [GSMaP]
2: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [MODIS]
3: Short Wave Radiation [MODIS]
4: Aerosol Optical Thickness (Tau-a) [MODIS]
5: Day Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
6: Night Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
7: Day Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
8: Night Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
9: Short Wave Radiation [Aqua/MODIS]
10: Short Wave Radiation [Terra/MODIS]
11: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Aqua/MODIS]
12: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Terra/MODIS]
13: Soil Moisture Contents [AMSR-E/AMSR-2]
14: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [GCOM-C SGLI]
15: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [GCOM-C SGLI]
16: Day Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
17: Night Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
interval interval code integer Search by interval corresponding to the specified code.
Not all products hold data for all data intervals.
Please refer to the table on the user guide page.
1: Daily, 2: Half-Monthly, 3: Monthly, 4: 8days
nlat north latitude floating point (ex)45.33
wlon west longitude floating point (ex)122.55
slat south latitude floating point (ex)20.25
elon east longitude floating point (ex)153.59
start start date integer Please specify the analysis start date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
end end date integer Please specify the analysis end date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
Note: If the data from the start date to the end date exceeds 30 layers,
analyze the data from the start date to 30 layers.

Note: All parameters are required

Sample URL

Boundaries API

Request URL
Parameter item name data type description value
product product code integer Search by product corresponding to the specified code. 1: Rainfall [GSMaP]
2: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [MODIS]
3: Short Wave Radiation [MODIS]
4: Aerosol Optical Thickness (Tau-a) [MODIS]
5: Day Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
6: Night Land Surface Temperature [Aqua/MODIS]
7: Day Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
8: Night Land Surface Temperature [Terra/MODIS]
9: Short Wave Radiation [Aqua/MODIS]
10: Short Wave Radiation [Terra/MODIS]
11: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Aqua/MODIS]
12: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [Terra/MODIS]
13: Soil Moisture Contents [AMSR-E/AMSR-2]
14: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index [GCOM-C SGLI]
15: Aerosol Optical thickness(Tau-a) [GCOM-C SGLI]
16: Day Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
17: Night Land Surface Temperature [GCOM-C SGLI]
interval interval code integer Search by interval corresponding to the specified code.
Not all products hold data for all data intervals.
Please refer to the table on the user guide page.
1: Daily, 2: Half-Monthly, 3: Monthly, 4: 8days
regionid boundary id string Specify the ID assigned to each boundary.
ID can be search by "Region ID API".
start start date integer Please specify the analysis start date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
end end date integer Please specify the analysis end date. yyyymmdd (ex) 20201231
Note: If the data from the start date to the end date exceeds 30 layers,
analyze the data from the start date to 30 layers.

Note: All parameters are required

Sample URL

Region ID API

Search for Region ID, which is required by "Boundaries API".

Accessing the address without any parameters will display the ID for each country.
If you want to search for a more detailed region ID, specify the country ID in the parameter.
Region ID is the code obtained from the search, connected by "_".
If there is no classification more detailed than the requested boundary, "-1" will be displayed.


Request URL
Parameter item name data type description value
regioncode boundary id string Perform a search to see if the Region ID corresponding to the specified code has a more detailed Region ID. (ex)114_5
Sample URL